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A better habit tracker đź“ť#7


I would like a habit tracker. Looking to be able to sort habits into categories to build routines.

As an example:

  • Drank water
  • Brushed teeth
  • Made the bed


  • Took a walk around the block
  • Drank Water


  • 10 min tidy up before bed
  • Put water on nightstand for morning

I would like to be able to build & view streaks, but also do a binary “Yes, I did the thing” or “No, I did not do the thing.” Would also be cool to be able type in “here is how much water I consumed” though I am less worried about that part (so many apps already available for tracking how much I drank, I care about building a habit/routine around when I intentionally drank water)

– suggested by a stoic via email

2 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago
Changed the status to
in progress.
2 years ago
Merged Intergrate a habit tracker#59
2 years ago
Merged Habit tracker and to do list#53
2 years ago

“It would be great to have a prompt or space which allows for daily or weekly goals such as meditation, gym sessions ect. to be ticked off or tracked and also marked on a graph similar to the mood graph.”

2 years ago

“A customizable habit tracker and to do list that can be revised till the end of the day.” - @Kendra Long

2 years ago

I like the “habit tracker” idea. But for me, it would be more than enough to have a calendar view like a “mood checker” with my practices (on the first screenshot. It would be like hexagon points on a day for a compact calendar view. One point = 1 practice (breathing, meditation, fitness, or custom). When we select one of them, we can see one of the points in more contrast. It would be great to have a calendar of activities. This way, I will know about my habits and their frequency.

2 years ago

Hello! I actually really like how to-dos and goals are realized in Finch: you can link any to-do entry to an activity. say, I have therapy sessions on Friday at 12PM; at 13:00 I get a notification to check it off and doing so triggers reflection.

a year ago

I’d like to suggest that this be implemented so as to enable integration with other habit trackers as well, rather than forcing all habit tracking to happen inside of Stoic. Here’s a feature request for that

a year ago

Hi, I would like to know whether this is already there in the app or not, and if yes, how I am supposed to get it

a year ago

Would love to track habits/streaks at the end of the day with easy yes or no questions. So if I have a 21 noFap challenge I can click yes/no and it will get repeated until I finish the days. If I fail the counter will start from the beginning

a year ago
Changed the status to
a year ago

Waiting for this. It is the last thing that would make stoic the ultimate app. Now I have so many apps taking a lot of space just for habit tracking, can’t wait to uninstall them once stoic has it.

10 months ago

I have the premium and even thought I have the premium the absence of habit tracker is making me not use it

2 months ago

Antes habĂ­a una secciĂłn de objetivos.

Te preguntaba cómo querías que te recordaran tus padres, amigos etc… y luego te permitía marcar unos objetivos a modo de checlist. HA DESAPARECIDO?!

Por qué quitáis funcionalidades en vez de ponerlas?

18 days ago